While I do not agree with Jordan Peterson on everything, a video clip of him explaining psycho-pathology of promiscuous, serial maters and child sprayers, aka HARUNA men, attests to what I have been saying for decades in thousands of my campaigning letters. While he has been on my mail list for years, I doubt he's actually read my, almost identical, take on the issue accompanied by many examples of my own unfortunate, life-destroying encounters with those semi-humans.
Another thing Jordan Peterson has, maybe a bit cautiously, omitted is that such low-quality humans, incapable of love, morality and devoid of basic conscience and mercy for others, strive for positions of power like politics, judiciary, medicine, global management, and so on, and ruthlessly or with the help of likewise low-life already in power, get into them, hence they rule the entire world, leaving carnage behind them, both in their own families, who they routinely abuse in various quises, and the society.
Without any constraints of rudimentary elements of human decency that create a long series of obstacles for their proprietor and add to any hardship they may already be experiencing, such entities can quickly find a way out of the pangs of any situation and get to the very top pretty quickly. They are simply not hesitant to walk over corpses to get there, hence, the truism of top career success can be highly subjective.
Metaphysically, for us believers, they may be led by the dark forces and the Satan, much more than average people, and do not understand that all the pain they egotistically and consciously inflict upon others, especially to their own offspring who are the earthly manifestation of the closest bond a human can have to God imaginable, they inflict upon themselves too as they will pay a heavy price for it in afterlife. For God, there are no secrets and no one gets away with anything.
Dr Jordan Peterson: "There are two reproductive strategies - a low investment strategy and a high investment strategy. The low investment strategy characterized by many animals -mosquitos, fish... sex without commitment and many, many offspring. A mosquito does not invest in any of his children. There is a sexual element -fertilization of many eggs... On the other end, you have animals that reproduce slowly and invest a lot in their offspring. Human beings are the most extreme example of that strategy. We have very few offspring and we actually make a multi-generational investment because not only that you are a parent, but also a grandparent...to have a human child requires an investment that spans decades. We are a high-investment species...The short-term investment humans are the ones who pursue one-night stands and believe that love is free and that every form of sexual expression is acceptable, and that you just do your own thing and let it all hang out...You can identify men who have short-term investment strategy versus men with high investment strategy. What are characterological differences between those men? The short-term orientated maters are psychopathic, Machiavellian, narcissistic and sadistic... If women pursue men who are orientated towards one-night stands and casual sex, they end up delivering themselves to the dark side...Women pay a higher emotional price for short-term pairing... and are much more likely to be psychopathological if they adopt short-term strategy to mating... What we also see with the breakdown of the family, because that facilitates short-term pairing, we see rise in the psychopathic narcissist. As a clinician, I see that manifested in the hedonistic movement. It's like "We can have sex with whoever we want, whenever we want, under any conditions"...psychopathic narcissists who never grew up...They are the people marching down the streets for hedonistic sexual freedom... with their short-term self-oriented gratification..."
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